Boscoe is a black labrador retriever puppy. He will hopefully be an accomplished hunting retriever in the future. This blog will serve as a record of sorts for his training as he progresses and grows. He's a great pup!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Meet Reno, he doesn't want to leave home...

This is Reno, a black labrador retriever at risk of losing his home in Holland, Wisconsin. Please read his story in the post below.

The basis of the story is as follows. A friend of mine lives in the town of Holland, WI caring for her mother. The Town Board states only 2 dogs per household. My friend brought 6 dogs with her in her haste to get to her mother, who also has a dog. That's a total of 7 dogs. The Town Board has issued variances for other members of the community. However, my friend was denied for a variance. This is absolutley ridiculous since her dogs are highly trained, gentle animals who give back to the community. If you read Reno's story below, you will see that he has his Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog certifications.

My friend is appealing the Town Boards decision and there is a way to help. If you would like to help Reno, please email me at

And I know there are those out there who think they are "just dogs." But anyone who has truly loved a dog and known their companionship knows it's much more than that. The time and love invested is more than words can say.


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