Boscoe is a black labrador retriever puppy. He will hopefully be an accomplished hunting retriever in the future. This blog will serve as a record of sorts for his training as he progresses and grows. He's a great pup!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Goose Wing Retrieves

I forgot to mention that Boscoe got to retrieve his goose wing again yesterday. He did great! He loves that thing, likes to chew on it too. We just did a few short retrieves out in the yard/field area behind the house. He came right back to me with the wing, it was great. After that we went for a walk around the field so he can explore and get to use his nose. He loves his little puppy walks, especially the woodchuck holes lol.

I have been viewing Jackie Mertens tape called Sound Beginnings and it's an awesome video for bringing a pup up to retrieve. I got to the part where she was introducing the retrieve across a road, path, or change in cover and got excited because we just got a gravel "sidewalk" put in here and we have a gravel/dirt driveway across the street in the other field. I walk Boscoe over everything right now and he has no problems. On walks in the woods he jumps over everything too. I have a feeling retrieving across these things is not going to be an issue. I will probably start introducing them in a few more weeks once we stretch out his retrieves some. But overall he's doing great and we'll keep progressing as he's ready.


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