Boscoe is a black labrador retriever puppy. He will hopefully be an accomplished hunting retriever in the future. This blog will serve as a record of sorts for his training as he progresses and grows. He's a great pup!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Another to come soon!

Last Wednesday Boscoe got to go out to the store and hang out. It was too hot and he doesn't like to swim yet but he was active so we had to do something. I put him on the scale and he weighed in at exactly 13lbs. I'm sure he's 14 now. He's doing well, still a little monster and full of energy! Retrieving is going well too. I have increased the distances some and he doesn't even care. He's pretty steady for a pup, waits until the object is almost down before he wants to go. I hold him just a little and let him go just after he wants to. A friend was playing fetch with him and was holding him too long and he started to whine. It just served as a reminder why we don't steady them young, I don't want to create any bad habits. He's a good pup though and I'm looking forward to seeing him progress. I have a wedding to attend this weekend so after I recover I will be doing some check cord work and teaching heel. I'm excited, it should go well. I kind of heel him already but haven't started attaching a command to the action. It should be fine though, he should breeze through it.


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