Boscoe is a black labrador retriever puppy. He will hopefully be an accomplished hunting retriever in the future. This blog will serve as a record of sorts for his training as he progresses and grows. He's a great pup!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Swimming Finally

Boscoe swam for the first time today finally. We went for a walk and he was getting hot so I stopped to let him drink out of a little creek off another road. It was deeper in the middle and I don't think he meant to end up swimming, but he did. And he didn't freak out when he realized his feet weren't touching anymore. Hopefully he'll do it again now. He was hilarious in the water, biting at the droplets he splashed up. He also found something to be scary (I could not for the life of me figure out what) because he was barking and half growling with his little hackles up. It was the first time he'd ever done that. But again, a fearless little guy he is.

So today was the day for firsts I guess. He found the big dog bumpers in the house when I was cleaning and wanted to play with them. I figured he was about big enough to start carrying them so we went outside and did a little bit. The grass was too tall in the field (guess I gotta get mowing!) so I went to the driveway so he could see and so it was easier to pick up the bumper. We did a few marks then I threw a little puppy double, no more than 10 feet, most likely less, on either one. He did awesome! He had a hard enough time trying to get a good hold on the bumper so he didn't switch or anything. He was rearing to go too. He loved it, he's such a great pup. I only did two or three I think and then threw him a few fun bumpers and put him up. He was jumping for the bumpers in my hands as we walked back to the house.

It's hard because I want to take pictures of him but I'm the only one out there to throw and hold him so the pictures must be sacrificed now and then lol. But he's coming along great, I'm very pleased. We will probably do a little heel work in the house tonight - partly just to keep him occupied and stimulated as he just keeps oin going - he's been doing great at it already.


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