Boscoe is a black labrador retriever puppy. He will hopefully be an accomplished hunting retriever in the future. This blog will serve as a record of sorts for his training as he progresses and grows. He's a great pup!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Update...and some bragging!

Boscoe is doing great! He is doing puppy doubles very well. His puppy blinds are great and so is his puppy casting. We did some "back" yesterday and he nailed just to teach which hand to turn which way on. He's doing single marks out to about 40 yards right now.

Today he went swimming. I decided to try some water marks for the first time. He went out and swam and cooled off for a bit first. He saw the bumper and he wanted it, went nuts for it. So I threw it out and he went leaping for it. No puppy splashing either! He would go out and get the bumper and bring it back, let me take it, and then turn around and sit, looking out at the water waiting for the next throw! And most of the time he didn't even shake off first! It was so cute and I was so proud of him! Not that I taught him or anything, all instinct, but it was awesome all the same. Had him out to maybe 5 or 6 yards for just a few throws.

He was born March 15th so he'll be four months soon. Couldn't have asked for a better pup. He's learning super fast and is really smart. He marks really well. His obedience is coming along great. He's out of FC AFC Two Toes Out The Door by MHR Cedar's Edge Raider's Miss Abby (she has more titles...). So far so good! I will get pictures up soon! I really want some of him retrieving, maybe the boyfriend can help me out with that when he comes home!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me thats the least the boyfriend can do..:).

Boyfriends Dad

05 July, 2006 13:37


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